London to Scotland - Return

Here are a few pictures from above. I took my Bridge camera with me all they way to Scotland and back, even though it was a day trip and I never actually got to see Scotland itself, unless you're counting the inside of the airport, taxi, and the office as "sight seeing" and the real Scotland. Sigh.

But at least I have these babies!

I love clouds. I have always loved clouds. Be it lying back after a pinic under the teeming sun or at the beach with my friends playing the "cloud shape" game. It's ever changing and wonderful.

Other than the fact it makes me think of candy floss, and a kingdom far away with Princesses and the likes (okay, so I have a bit of a kiddish fantasy), it is an ever present reminder of the beauty that this planet offers us.  It is also one of the most accessible majestic views for us humans and it reminds me personally, that it's a beautiful place outside of the daily human toils and troubles. That there is so much more out there than our immediate concerns and short term views.  And most of all, that we need to take care of our planet lest we lose these beauties forever.

Okay, so I'm a bit of a worry wart with that last point, but there you have it. I'm clearly part of the Clouds Appreciation society.

This is Scotland from above. Magnificent, non?

Once again, clouds. Heh. It was a bit overcast at that point, but the sun threatened to breakthrough the covers.

London, Heathrow. I prefer it over City Airport and I got to see a beautiful sunset too.

I think I got used to domestic flights after all. Alas, no more as I have completed that mini project of travelling between London and Scotland. Partly phew, and partly awwww as the travel and pictures could have been so much more if I had been outside of a work capacity.


Anonymous said...

The last two are gorgeous.

F said...

It was a beautiful sunset!

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